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Do You Need Internal Resourcing?

11th October 2022

As your company starts to grow, you might need extra staff to meet increasing business demand. Finding a new team member can be a timely and consuming feat, even for the best internal hirer. Today, it’s more important than ever to find someone who fits into your company and will have the ideal skillset for the role. Here are some of the benefits of outsourcing your recruitment.

Seasonal Demand

If your business only hires at certain points of the year, having an internal hiring team may not be the right step for you. External recruitment ensures you have access to quality candidates, but at the times you need. Additionally, if your hiring is seasonal, you’ll save money on not paying an internal recruiter a fixed wage, increasing your ROI.


Searching through CVs and contacting candidates about roles is time-consuming. Your focus is taken from your normal role and this can cause problems for your business. By outsourcing your recruitment, you can save time on finding the perfect candidate, as recruiters do all the heavy lifting.


Outsourcing means you’ll have access to industry experts who are seasoned hirers and know the tricks to search for the best candidates. Most recruiters will be specialised within a particular industry and will be able to get in contact with skilled potential applicants. From recognising your company culture and role requirements, they can identify great people who will be an excellent fit for your business. This will also ensure your pre-vetted new potential employee is happy within their role, as the opportunity will be matched to their knowledge and experience. Along with this, external recruitment partnership can help manage your brand image. External feedback is fantastic for giving you a real overview of how your brand is perceived.


Recruiters have access to a larger selection of high-quality candidates, due to their connections and networks both online and offline. Also, resource specialists have a great database of candidates, ready to join an exciting new company. Furthermore, they use professional recruitment tools, such as advanced CRM’s and LinkedIn Recruiter. All these tools and their database of potential candidates allow recruiters to source highly skilled and top-quality candidates rapidly.

As the demand for Recruitment Processing Outsourcing (RPO) increases, so does the need for highly skilled candidates. At ECS Resource Group, you’ll be supported by approachable resource experts, who are partnership driven. We attract the most talented people looking for a rewarding career in IT.

If you’re looking to outsource your IT recruitment, get in touch with us on 01676 545 100, or email marketing@ecsgrp.co.uk.